Quick EXPO WEST Product Highlight
Expo West each year is one of my favorite times of the year! It's the largest natural foods expo in the country and for four days straight I live and breathe all the newest, most innovative, green, eco-conscious, organic brands in the industry! I also do a mini cleanse before each one as it's one of the few times throughout the year that I open my belly up to such a wide variety of foods ~ ones I normally don't eat on a regular basis. The things we do to help and support our clients through curating this expansive, yet amazing wellness space!
This year, as always, was a blast! I met so many incredible people, was moved and inspired by our collective missions and truly touched by the love and dedication this community has toward making a difference. I was introduced and educated on such a variety of quality products, brands and companies. There is such a wide range each year ~ companies just entering the wellness space, or launching a new product and of course my favorite trusted and true brands that are yearly staples at EXPO WEST!
I love meeting the "newbie" companies that are making their big debut ~ presenting and being a vendor at EXPO WEST is very much like a right of passage for these brands. It's so inspiring hearing about their "first experiences" and all the incredible feedback and relationships they are building. I'm such a fan of the small companies, built up from true passion and a love for something so deep they have no choice but to follow their dreams and present it to the world! That's how I feel about the work I do ~ so grateful!
Many vendors were welcomed rediscoveries of the companies I already love and support ~ like stopping by and talking to the wonderful creator and founder of Sovereign Silver, a staple in the Wellynest household. We will share more in the near future about our old favorites (and even some newer favorties), however today I wanted to share with you a few fun, new finds from Expo this year ~ whether it was a new product line from an already beloved company or a completely new find all together these products made EXPO that much greater for us this year!
1. Coyuchi
Coyuchi are the makers of incredibly high quality 100% organic cotton clothing, towels, and blankets! These guys do some really beautiful high end stuff. I got the most luscious, soft, organic blanket while at Expo ~ what an amazing treat for me (this is definitely a form of self-care, beautiful items that nurture your soul!). I feel so incredibly grounded, peaceful, and warm when I'm wrapped up in it.
2. Sunbiotics
This company makes amazing probiotic supplements for kids (and adults)--both in powder form, and in chocolate form! They're probiotic chocolate hearts are so yummy and definitely made my gut happy at Expo! My daughter loves the probiotics so far and asks for more ~ I take that as a good sign!
3. Artisana
Artisana is a staple in our home (we love their coconut oil & butter). It was wonderful to see a new product launch of raw cacao nut butters! They taste like a healthy (and much more yummy) version of Nutella! The Sunflower & Cashes Cacao spreads really blew me away! I went back for seconds and that's not like me! See my cool reusable sample cup and spoon above as well?!?).
4. Host Defense
A medicinal mushroom supplement company that I have used and loved in the past. This year they had a new supplement--the MycoBotanicals™ Brain blend. Made up of lion's mane, reishi, cordycpes, ginkgo balboa, bacopa, and gotu kola, this supplement does the trick at reducing metal fog and increasing concentration and clarity!
A tea light company!We love essential oil diffusers in the Wellynest household, but I have never liked how quickly normal tea lights burn out, or not knowing what they put into them! Goodlight solves these problems. Their tea lights last for HOURS and are a completely additive free soy candle. They just launched a line of clean, essential oil infused candles as well (pictured above!).
6. JEM (Find them online for 20% off here ~ just search "JEM")
Makers of sprouted superfood spreads! These speak for themselves--you gotta try them out! So delicious AND so nourishing for the body! They are amazing alone or added to any smoothie bowl, oatmeal, quick snack, chia pudding, the options are endless!
7. Northwood Collection
A company specializing in custom made upcycled art and home furnishings! They are based out of Canada, and while at Expo I picked up this absolutely perfect reclaimed wood art piece! Check out our instagram feed to see the other beautiful piece that so beautifully matched the Wellynest brand.
8. Sustain
A much needed new find. I believe we need to shift the conversation surrounding birth control (and all the hormonal damage it causes women) and STDs in this country (and will in a future blog post). This company produces all natural condoms, wipes, lubricant and related other products. So much time and effort is spent on being conscious of what we put in our bodies (via food), however, everything else matters as well ~ even the tampons, pads, condoms, etc. has just as much to do with our overall health!
Incredible vegan AND paleo ice cream! Sweetened with maple syrup, this cashew based ice cream is definitely a fantastic fix for any ice cream cravings you might have, while being so much better for your body! Also really loved how this company provided their own re-washable spoons, doing their part to reduce waste at Expo and inspire others to do the same (as many of you know I'm ALL about this and bring my own sample cups, re-usable napkins, spoons, etc to Expo as well).
10. Chia Crunch (Find them for 10% off HERE ~ just search "chia crunch")
I love the original freeze dried organic strawberries that Natierra makes. They are our go to (back up) snack for long plane rides! As most of our family is back in NJ and many of my clients back in NYC. It's such a treat for my girl that it will entertain her for the last hour of a flight! And now, they've combined them with CHIA for a little added bunch and nutrients. These were actually "toddler tested" today to make sure she loved them as much as the original!