Jocelyn Jensen
Whole Life Wellness Transformation Course
For years I struggled with extreme bloating, migraines, and very low energy. When others would tell me to change my diet, I wasn’t ever convinced that a change in diet was sustainable or that eliminating certain foods was even possible with my lifestyle. A good friend introduced me to Tamara in June of 2015. I cannot express how grateful I am to have met Tamara and completed Wellynest’s Whole Life Wellness & Transformation Course. I have begun the process of healing my “leaky guy” and no longer experience extreme bloating and migraines. My energy level has also increased. I wake up feeling fresh, no longer needing tea to feel energized and my immune system is strong.
Throughout the course you will realize that it is possible to cut back on and in some cases completely eliminate the foods that make many of us feel bloated and not so great while incorporating foods such as greens, minerals, organic whole foods, superfoods and fermented foods that make you feel wonderful. However, whole life wellness is not just about your diet. It is also about the products you use in your home; practicing organic body care; and most importantly, it is about your mental health - your ability to be gentle on yourself and practice true self-love. The Whole Life Wellness Transformation Course gives you the information and tools you need to transform your life in a way that best fits you. I have been able to transform my health with the help of Tamara. She is a phenomenal health coach - bringing amazing energy to each meeting, understanding her clients and encouraging a healthy transformation in a judgment free setting.
how My life transformed
- I created a sustainable change in my diet. I wake up feeling fresh, no longer needing tea to feel energized and my immune system is strong.
- I learned it is more than just food. My mental health improved and I am able to be gentle with myself and practice self-love.
- I have begun the process of healing my “leaky gut” and no longer experience extreme bloating & migraines.
Vincent DiSantis
Since graduating from Wellynest’s WLW Course I have a new found respect for myself. This course can truly open your eyes to what kind of a better person and human being you can be. Tamara is the most caring and giving person/instructor. She wants (from her soul) for you to be the best version of you. I gained a new lifestyle not just a new diet. Having a leader like Tamara, who talks the talk and walks the walk, gave me the confidence I needed to make these profound changes. I now have the knowledge and a much better understanding of food and what it can do for me and against me. I love myself so much more because I respect the quality of food put into my body.
How my life transformed
- I feel like I am a better person. I have a new found respect for myself & the quality of food I put into my body. I gained a new lifestyle, not just a diet.
- My awareness and thought process in what I purchase has improved so much. I now have so much more knowledge and a better understanding of food ~ especially what it can do for you and against you.
- I am more confident in life and I love myself more. I now realize that I can be a leader/teacher to someone else and make a difference.
Private Client & Future WLW Course Graduate
I first started working with Tamara in 2010 after having taken an interest in nutrition and having read a few books on the subject. I knew I wanted to learn more about all facets of health including exercise, diet, sleep, energy, etc. My sessions with Tamara were incredibly educational. I learned how to prepare meals and juices that were super healthy and delicious and how to shop and read product labels to understand what was actually in the foods I was buying. I was introduced to fruits and vegetables that I had never before tasted. I was also guided through several fasts, detoxes and cleanses that increased my overall energy while providing the byproduct of significant weight loss and an increase in vitality. I gained an in depth knowledge on important topics including water consumption, proper exercise, protein intake, and many, many others.
The end result was an invaluable education on what my body needs to thrive (and what needed to be eliminated), leading to an increase in overall health and energy. The excitement of the education lies in the fact that you already know so much of it as it’s common sense, however, we have been conditioned to an eating lifestyle that is unnatural. These programs will awaken your mind and allow it to tap into its instinctive knowledge and give you the courage to make lifestyle changes that will dramatically improve your quality of life. It did for me.
- I learned how to prepare meals and juices that were super health & delicious & how to understand what was really in my food!
- In addition to significant weight loss, I gained the courage I needed to make lifestyle changes that dramatically improved my quality of life.
- I received an invaluable education on what my body needs to thrive, leading to an increase in overall health and energy.
Pete Rizzi
Charu Morgan
WOW! I have received so much from the Whole Life Wellness program. I entered into the program having just undergone a massive transformation with my diet, becoming much more health-conscious, but still feeling very much like a beginner. I also felt terrifically isolated. I didn't have many friends who were taking the kind of care that I was with food and self-care and that made it much harder to stay committed to my lifestyle changes.
While many times I found myself wishing I had found this course at the beginning of my journey, the course took me much deeper than I had been able to go on my own and gave me the support of a community that I had been missing.
I felt held in taking on great habits and having the meeting each week inspired me to stick to the things I committed to as well as learn about and add simple things to my routine that ultimately made a huge difference for me!
Consistency and community have been key in me truly making lasting changes in my diet and lifestyle. Our weekly meetings became the pulse of re-inspiration for me and the in-person meetings demystified things that felt overwhelming when I had only heard about them.
I could easily see doing this course again and again and getting something new out of it every time! The depth and span of information is the most thorough education that I know of for truly transforming your lifestyle.
I am so grateful.
- I was able to find the support of a community that I had been missing.
- I felt held in taking on great habits and having the calls each week inspired me to stick to the things I committed to.
- I was able to add simple things to my routine that ultimately made a huge difference for me!