“ Our children feel us as much as they hear us. When we align our energy with our words, we build trust with our children and with all our relationships.” ~
— Tamara Iglesias


Nourish your body

Feed your soul

Empower YOU & your family


Wellynest’s Whole MAMA program was designed by Wellynest founder and mama, Tamara Iglesias, to truly support mom’s, their little ones and each mama’s own unique family dynamic. In this modern day world most mothers are over-worked, over-stressed, under nourished, and under supported. This program is designed to give you back your strength, stability, even sanity, to truly empower YOU in this incredible role as MAMA! The flow of the course creates space to build, replenish, nourish, educate, support and expand modern day mama’s to step into their power as new women, each of us having gone through this incredible rite of passage. Take this innate power, this incredible strength and mama wisdom and blossom/transform into the brightest/boldest version of YOU.


3 months of Group & Individual Coaching


12 Topics (12 Virtual Classes OR For LA local residents 9 Virtual Classes & 3 Hands On Sessions)

Each week we will focus on an aspect of wholeness to support you, your children and your family. We dive into topics designed to truly shift your relationship to self, your relationship with your children and the overall wellness of your family. Exploring what it means to live a whole and nourished life, we integrate the importance of self-care, foods that nourish and heal, movement and meditation to create the optimal environment for everyone to thrive, and so much more. From healthy grain-free, gut happy baking and fermentation, to ayurvedic practices, sensual self-care, and the A.R.T of parenting (attention, respect & trust) we cover all the areas modern day mamas need to live a balanced, grounded, and supported life!


Each week, to support our new topic/class, we will create focuses, set intentions and each MAMA will be provided with practices and tips to integrate all of these teachings. There will be support and steps to digest each phase of the program. With a group dynamic, mama’s have the opportunity to empower one another, connect, ask questions and share experiences (both highs & lows). 

Together we start to feel, live and embody what it means to be a Whole MAMA.


2 Individual Private Consultations

Each mama in the course will receive 2 individual consulting sessions to help customize & individualize the program to fit their unique life, home, family lifestyle. A comprehensive health history & evaluation will be done prior to the 1st class and then a follow up check-in coaching sessions will be scheduled throughout the course as well.


Buddy Support System

Each participant will have a chosen MAMA buddy to support them throughout the program. There will be additional (optional) buddy activities to further support your whole MAMA transformation. You will receive 12 weeks of concentrated support, accountability and encouragement from your MAMA buddy.



Early Bird Special: $1600
Pay in full
(discounted price): $1750
3 payments
of $625, on month 1, 2, 3 =

Each virtual class will be recorded for later review and convenience.

LA virtual classes: Tuesdays from 8:00-9:15PM PST

NON-LA virtual classes: Tuesdays from 5:00-6:15PM PST